So Many Questions

 Why can't I remember?

Do my kids understand?

Where should I live?

Am I losing my mind? 


Does Mom understand why I am worried?

Why can't i shake this depression?

Does everyone my age get so anxious?

When should I stop driving?

What should I do about....?

Why can't I make a decision?

Is it really a choice between independence and safety?

Do I want any more medical treatment?

The Answer Is...

Psychologists (and most everybody) knows that the developmental life stages do not stop at the end of childhood.  People continue to grow and change throughout their lives and every stage brings it own questions.Psychologists (and most everybody) knows that the developmental life stages do not stop at the end of childhood.  People continue to grow and change throughout their lives and every stage brings it own challenges and rewards. Each stage has it own questions.

Being a geropsychologist I work with those who are in the later life stages who have navigated the previous stages. I am privileged to hear the stories of those who paved our way and to understand how they did it. It is  ironic that as we age and in this rapidly changing culture,  those strategies may not now produce the best results. 

As a geropsychologist there are many ways to help seniors and their families find their unique solutions to the challenges of aging.